Monday, June 25, 2012

There's something wrong with this picture - bus monitor video

You've seen the headlines. Bus monitor mercilessly harassed by middle school boys; video goes viral, campaign to raise 5K for a vacation fund for her currently at 600K; boys under police protection due to death threats.

To any adult with a clue the fact that a group of middle school kids could be cruel is not news. The bigger question is: Why was she on the bus, and why was she sitting passively instead of taking control of the situation? It seems unlikely she had sufficient respect from the students to be able to effectively take charge in an emergency situation.

Either she wasn't up to the job, or she was powerless because the district wouldn't back her up if she disciplined the kids. On an ongoing basis it's not feasible to raise $150,000 per victim every time a middle school kid bullies someone. The taxpayers of school district ought to be demanding accountability from their school board. Either their hiring and supervision practices are substandard, or their disciplinary procedures aren't effective.